Take your practice to the next level, fine tune your skills or
just come to hang and work with some cool people.
Release Your Body
A Slow Flow, Yin, and Restorative Workshop
This 90 minute workshop will be very chill. Think cozy sweat pants, pillows and down regulation of your nervous system. We will start with a brief meditation, do some slow (feel good) yoga flow, followed by a couple of yin poses, then lots of juicy restorative poses. Ending this workshop with yoga nidra and an extra long Savasana. Grab a bolster (or king sized pillow or couch cushion), two blocks (or two more pillows) and a yoga strap/belt that buckles (optional). No yoga experience necessary. The main goal for this workshop is for you to totally relax, and rest, and leave feeling like you just got a glorious massage. Everyone who signs up will receive the recording.
When: **Temporarily Postponed**
Where: On Zoom
Cost: $30 (pay through seminal or venmo)
What: A 90 minute relaxing yoga class plus an email with the class recording so you can take it again any time you want.
Who Should Attend?: Anyone who wants to move a little and relax a lot.
Unlock Your Body
I am turning my sold out yoga and mobility series into recorded videos!
Email me if you want to be among the first to know all of the details
More Time For Exploration
More Time To Learn And Absorb
Schedule a Workshop
Are you a studio owner or manager looking to enhance your offerings? Jessie is skilled in teaching all types of workshops from arm balances to restorative and all of the acro fun in between. Here is a list of current workshops offered.
Contact Jessie to create a custom workshop. yoga.w.jessie@gmail.com
UNLOCK YOUR BODY |1| Back and Neck
Contrary to a common belief, a stiff or tight body isn’t a bi-product of aging, it is however greatly attributed to a lack of good movement over time. As kids we use to run and play, we’d climb trees and sit on the floor for hours at a time and not give a single thought to our physical body, because our body just worked. As we grew up we stopped moving as much, we’d take the elevator three floors, and sit in chairs for hours. Let’s use the example of the little girl who learned how to do a full wheel backbend at the age of 8. She enjoyed how free she felt expressing backbends so she did them everyday. When that girl turns 90 you know what she can do? A full wheel backbend. Not because she’s born special or different, but because she never stopped going into that range of motion, so she never lost it. The saying, “if you don’t use it, you lose it” is true, but here is the good news - if you start to use it again, you can get it back and even better than before. During this Unlock Your Body workshop Jessie will breakdown the physiological reasons behind what your body is doing, and teach you how to safely regain range of motion and build mobility throughout your body with a focus on the spine, back and neck. She will leave you with the knowledge and tools to be able to help yourself, as well as give you homework to stay on track for your goals. Come prepared to workout and sweat, bring water, a notebook and a pen.
UNLOCK YOUR BODY |2| Shoulders and Arms
Contrary to a common belief, a stiff or tight body isn’t a bi-product of aging, it is however greatly attributed to a lack of good movement over time. Let’s use the example of the little boy who started swim team at the age of 6. He enjoyed swimming and doing the strokes so he did them everyday. When that boy turns 90 you know what he still has? Smooth and pain free range of motion in his shoulders. Not because he’s born special or different, but because he never stopped moving his arms in giant controlled circles, so he never lost it. The saying, “if you don’t use it, you lose it” is true, but here is the good news - if you start to use it again, you can get it back and even better than before. During this Unlock Your Body workshop Jessie will breakdown the physiological reasons behind what your body is doing, and teach you how to safely regain range of motion and build mobility throughout your body with a focus on the shoulders, arms and wrists. She will leave you with the knowledge and tools to be able to help yourself, as well as give you homework to stay on track for your goals. Come prepared to workout and sweat, bring water, a notebook and a pen.
UNLOCK YOUR BODY |3| Hips and Legs
Contrary to a common belief, a stiff or tight body isn’t a bi-product of aging, it is however greatly attributed to a lack of good movement over time. Let’s use the example of the little girl who learned how to do a split at the age of 5. She enjoyed doing splits so she did them everyday. When that girl turns 90 you know what she can do? A split. Not because she’s born special or different, but because she never stopped going into that range of motion, so she never lost it. The saying, “if you don’t use it, you lose it” is true, but here is the good news - if you start to use it again, you can get it back and even better than before. During this Unlock Your Body workshop Jessie will breakdown the physiological reasons behind what you body is doing, and teach you how to safely regain range of motion and build mobility throughout your body with a focus on the hips, knees and feet. She will leave you with the knowledge and tools to be able to help yourself, as well as give you homework to stay on track for your goals. Come prepared to workout and sweat, bring water, a notebook and a pen.
This Release Your Body workshop moves slow and steady like a pot of water on a low simmer.
There are three parts to this workshop; yin yoga, restorative yoga and pranayama breath work. In a nut shell, yin yoga is really deep stretching in postures with long holds. It is physically and mentally challenging. Restorative yoga is chill to the max, think pillows and blankets supporting you so you can rest and relax. Pranayama is one of the eight limbs of yoga, there are many different types of breath work and in this workshop the pranayama we will be doing has the goal of helping you connect to your present and highest self.
Arm balances just might be the most intimidating/frustrating/inconceivable part of your yoga practice, but it’s time to work past the fear and learn the useful tools to get you “flying” in no time. Join Jessie Shapiro in her Arm Balance FUNdamentals workshop designed to build the foundational strength and flexibility necessary to balance on your hands. She will guide you through the alignment principles and help you build these poses from the ground up. These challenging and beautiful asanas take practice and hard work, so come prepared to work toward taking flight throughout the entire workshop.
*geared toward yoga teachers and continuing education*
With headline stealing news highlighting the risks of yoga injuries, skillful and attentive hands-on assists are more important than ever. And the truth is most students LOVE your hands on them. While most articles on adjusting and many teacher trainings display their information in a hesitant, or overly technical manner, Jessie will skillfully guide you through the in’s and out’s of putting your hands on your student’s bodies, and just how important it really is. It’s time to let go of the fear and dread of assisting while you teach, and learn the litany of benefits in the power of touch. Giving a good assist is an art and a skill, and Jessie Shapiro’s Power of Touch workshop will explore hands-on adjustments and hands-on assists, with a focus on helping yoga teachers cultivate a deeper understanding of why, and when to touch their students. Jessie is an E-RYT with yoga alliance and this course will count as two hours of continuing education.
Being assisted in a yoga class simply feels great, you know that release you feel when your teacher puts their hands on your low back in down dog and pushes back and up? If the tension in your body just relaxed thinking about it, then this is a workshop you will absolutely love. Spend two hours with Jessie Shapiro learning feel-good assists and partner stretches and the litany of benefits hands-on contact will provide. It is the ultimate in non-verbal communication.
Backbends can be hard both physically and mentally, yet articulating your spine in all of its ranges of motion is very important to your overall health and wellness.
In this two hour workshop Jessie will breakdown the anatomy behind the postures and the common reasons why you may feel stuck and unable to open up further. She will teach you how to integrate your new knowledge into your everyday yoga practice. This workshop is open to all levels, there will be many opportunities to go much deeper, or to stay exactly where you are without judgment or force. It is Jessie’s goal to fully explain and teach you what to do and why.
Contact Jessie to create a custom workshop for your space. yoga.w.jessie@gmail.com